Eagle Day

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Name: Eagle Day
Date: February 22, 2025
Time: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM CST
Event Description:
Eagle Day celebrations provide an opportunity to connect with nature, raise awareness about the importance of eagle conservation and inspire future generations to protect these magnificent birds and their habitats.
The free program at the Admiral Coontz Recreation Center will include:
• Live raptor/eagle presentations throughout the day by World Bird Sanctuary of St. Louis to enable visitors to see raptors up close
• Educational displays on eagles in which chapter member will discuss eagle adaptations and eagle rehabilitation
• Eagle crafts for participants to color an eagle mask and create an Eagle Day Postcard with nature stamps
• Nature games such as Eagle/nature quizzes, Land the Eagle in the Nest(corn hole), and a Raptor/Eagle matching game
• A human-constructed eagle nest for viewing to simulate the nest size of these great birds
• An area for story time with Hannibal Public Library employees reading eagle and other nature books
• Mississippi Hills Chapter of Master Naturalist Book Club table with suggested readings about Heroes of Conservation.
• Booths with information about Sodalis Nature Preserve, Missouri Department of Conservation Stream Team, Hannibal Tree Board and Missouri Bluebird Society
• Nature artists with their artwork displayed and available for purchase
• A nature art contest for area elementary artists and artwork displayed at the event.
100 Center Street, Hannibal
Contact Information:
(573) 221-0154
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Printed courtesy of www.hannibalchamber.org – Contact the Hannibal Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
307 Broadway, Hannibal, MO 63401 – (573) 221-1101 – info@hannibalchamber.org